Selection of Media Coverage                   Artificial intelligence could help make quantum computers a reality

BBC:                        How quantum physics could ‘revolutionise everything’

The Conversation:       From self-driving cars to military surveillance: quantum can save the future of AI

ARC FLEET News: Harnessing socially distance molecular interactions for future computing

UniMelb News: Researchers map electrons to move one step closer to better quantum computers

Pursuit: The nanowires building the greener nanodevices

Engineers Australia: Create Magazine highlighted our research as TechWatch

Pursuit: Machine learning to scale up the quantum computer

Futurity: Machine learning pushes quantum computer forward Machine learning to scale up the quantum computer

Qubit Report: Conventional neural networks to replace manual qubit characterization methods

Pursuit: Grasping the spooky in quantum physics

AiHub: Machine learning to scale up the quantum computer World-first pinpointing of atoms at work for quantum computers

Futurism: For the first time, quantum physicists were able to pinpoint the location of an atom

Scimex: World-first approach to help design more accurate quantum computing architecture

EurekaAlert! World-first pinpointing of atoms at work for quantum computers

Compound Semiconductor: An elemental change to laser design [invited feature article]

Physicsworld: Supercomputers model real world quantum dot devices atom-by-atom

Compound Semiconductor: Multi-million atom simulations and polarization measurements enable QD metrology