Editorial Services
Guest Editor for a Focus on Horizon 2025: Development Trends and Future Challenges in Nanoscience (IOP Nano Futures journal)
Member of the Executive Editorial Board of IOP Nano Futures journal (Since September 2021)
Member of the Editorial Board of IOP Modelling and Simulations in Materials Science and Engineering journal (Since April 2021)
Guest Editor for a Special Issue on "Next Generation Solar Energy Harvesting Materials" to be published in 2021 by MDPI journal Energies (IF: 2.709)
Service to Research
Program committee member, 7th International Conference on Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning 2023 @ CERN
Invited article for Cutter Business Technologies, April 2021 Quantum Computing Theme Issue
Session chair in Australian Institute of Physics Meeting, Sydney 2017
Program committee member International Workshop on Computational Electronics, 2016
Co-manager nanohub group for training and dissemination of open source NEMO3D tool
Co-CI and manager computational resources from NCMAS since 2016
Session chair SURF Research Symposium at Purdue
Poster judge for Quantum Mechanics subject at School of Physics since 2014
Panel Member or Moderator
2023, Panelist Global Government Forum UK (Topic: Quantum computing: where is the greatest potential for governments?)
2023, Panelist Quantum Australia Sydney (Topic: Quantum Careers, Academic vs Industry)
2022, Panelist South Australia Government Investment Conference Adelaide (Topic: “South Australia’s future in developing opportunities in the global applications of quantum technologies.”)
2022, Panel Chair, EDTAS Event by DSTG Canberra (Topic: Quantum Algorithms and Applications)
Community and Administrative Work
Member Quantum Standardisation Bodies - Standards Australia Working Group 14, IEC, ISO (Since 2022)
Data61 Quantum Technology Seminar Series, (2022 - current)
Quantum Education Lecture Series at the School of Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne (2019-2021)
Member of the School Education Committee (SEC) at the Melbourne School of Engineering, (2020-2022)
Member of the Early Career Academic Network (ECAN) Executive Committee at the Melbourne School of Engineering, (2020-2022)
Member of the Education Committee at the School of Computing and Information Systems, (2020-2022)
Member of the Planning Day Committee at the School of Computing and Information Systems, (2020-2021)
Registered in CSIRO's STEM Professional/Scientist in Schools (2016-current)
Member of the local School committee, Curriculum design (2018-current)
Arranged CQC2T and ECMP seminars (2015-2018)
Mentoring of graduate students at Purdue University (2005-2010)
Mentoring in SURF program at Purdue (2006-2009)
Seminars and Colloquia
Invited Guest Lecture at the Australian Institute of Machine Learning, The University of Adelaide, August 2022
Invited Research Seminar, James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, May 2021
Invited Research Seminar, School of Physics KFUPM KSA, October 2020
IEEE Victoria "Introduction to Quantum Computing" Seminar 2020
MC^2 Talk at RMIT 2019
Research Seminars at EECS ANU and EE Monash 2019
Research seminar at Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Melbourne 2019
Colloquium at the School of Physics, The University of Melbourne 2016
Colloquium at Monash 2016
Research Seminar at Physics RMIT 2016
Research Seminar at Dartmouth College USA 2012
Research Seminar at University of Iowa USA 2010
Research in Science Media/Blogs, Public Outreach
The Conversation article 2023: "From self-driving cars to military surviellance: quantum computing can help secure the future of AI systems"
Article in Pursuit magazine in 2020: "The nanowires building greener nanodevices"
Article in Pursuit magazine in 2020: "Machine learning to scale up the quantum computer"
Futurity.org: https://www.futurity.org/quantum-computers-machine-learning-2309802/
Phys.org: https://phys.org/news/2020-03-machine-scale-quantum.html
AiHub: https://aihub.org/2020/04/08/machine-learning-to-scale-up-the-quantum-computer/
Article in Pursuit magazine in 2018: "Grasping the spooky in quantum physics"
Scimex article: "World-first approach to help design more accurate quantum computing architecture"
Phys.org article: "World-first pinpointing of atoms at work for quantum computers"
Feature article by CompoundSemiconductors magazine: "An elemental change to laser design"
Nanotechweb.org article: Multi-million atom simulations and polarisation measurements enable quantum dot metrology
Peer-Review Service
Nature portfolio journals (NPJ Computational Materials, Nature Comms, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Materials)
American Physical Society journals (PRL, PRB, PRApplied, PRMaterials)
ACS journals (Nanoletters, ACS Nano)
RSC journals (Nanoscale, PCCP)
AIP journals (APL, JAP)
IOP journals (Nanotechnology, Semicond. Sci Tech., JPCM)
IEEE Trans. on Nanotechnology, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices
ICPS conference
IWCE conference
Australian Institute of Physics meetings
Regular Conference Presence
International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS) since 2006
APS March Meetings since 2006
Australian Institute of Physics meeting/congress since 2004
Silicon Quantum Electronics Workshop since 2014
Annual Bismide Workshop since 2010
IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology since 2008
International Workshop on Computational Electronics